Wednesday, June 29, 2011

More food for thought......

     Daria, you deserved to lose your account on the ebay board. You chose to post personal information that wasnt even correct I might add, on that board, knowing that is like the NUMBER  1 thing NOT to do on that board.

     Yes, I freely admit that I wrote Griff along with TandS and demanded that something be done because of that infraction. Apparently they decided that the infraction was bad enough to permanately remove you from that board. END OF STORY fuck up, lose the account, get over it. Hope you learned your lesson. ( doubtful, but who knows, only time will tell ).

     That was the only account I had a hand in getting removed, and you whole heartedly deserved it.  And other accounts, I had nothing to do with getting them removed, however I do have to applaude algie AKA peter for getting it done. The only reason he refuses to take credit for doing it now is because he has you girls fooled into thinking that he is innocent.

     If you only knew what I knew, maybe things would click in your mind and you would realize that in fact what I state is true. But thats alright, I have stated since day 1 that you girls are too stupid to see something right in front of ya, and you are proving that in fact what I have just stated, is 100% TRUTH.  Good luck girls you will certainly need it in the near future as I know what is planned and what will come down when it comes to you guys.  HAHAAHAHAHA

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